High schoolers may view the SAT/ACT as an insurmountable hurdle. There is a lot at stake— college admissions, scholarships. However, with adequate preparation, most students will find themselves more than ready to sit down on test day. 

The key to achieving a desirable score on either test is simply preparation. Before stressing out or rushing off to purchase an expensive guide book, use the following steps to help your student get ready for the assessment ahead:


Understand how the test is structured

One of the key elements of SAT/ACT preparation is…

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Writing is an important academic skill for students to develop even if they aren’t destined to be English majors. Throughout their coursework, they will encounter term papers, paragraph answers, timed responses, and all kinds of opportunities to express their ideas as well as their mastery of the subject. Being able to do so skillfully will not only keep their grades up, but also deepen their understanding of the topic.

Writing is also a very practical, applicable skill. High schoolers have college application essays, the reading section of standardized tests, and other high…

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Enrichment courses are an excellent way to assure that your child has the math skills necessary to continue to succeed in school. However with a variety of tutorial programs and online classes available, it can be hard to choose the right option for your student. 

Before enrolling anywhere, it is important for you and your child to understand what their strengths and weaknesses are. This will give you a better idea of the type of enrichment they may benefit from. Keep in mind that not every student masters concepts at the same rate. If your child needs to refresh, review, or…

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Tutors are an excellent way to help your child improve their grades, prepare for an exam, learn organizational skills, or hone study skills. They are also a great way to stem academic problems early on. One mistake many students make is waiting to seek help until late in the semester or year when there isn't enough time to make impactful changes. 

The first step to finding a great tutor is choosing what kind to enlist. In addition to your child’s individual preferences, there is skill level, location, and price to consider: 


Skill Level

The first factor…

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Time management is one of the most important skills to develop in high school. With a rigorous academic course load, countless extracurriculars, and the ever encroaching college admissions process, it is one of the busiest and most stressful periods for young students. With that being said, it’s important to equip your child with the know-how and knowledge to stay successful and happy during this time. 

Here are some tips to help your child learn to manage their time. Whether your child is already a strong student or proven procrastinator, they can benefit from streamlining their…

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The most popular time to take the SAT is during the spring of junior year and the summer afterwards. However, for various reasons, your child may choose to take it earlier or later. In order to determine when to take the SAT/ACT, first figure out what your child’s goals are in taking the test. Are they taking the SAT just as a test-run for later? Are they applying to college and need scores for their application? Are they applying to a summer program that requires ACT results? These guiding questions should help them decide if now is the right time. 

Your child may find value in…

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Tutoring is a hot topic with parents. Many parents wonder what signs they should be looking for that indicate it’s time to engage a tutor. To make things even more confusing, tutoring services aren’t just for kids who are having trouble understanding a subject in school. There’s a wide variety of tutors whose work goes beyond remediation: Pre-K and elementary tutors, subject matter tutors, homework helpers, test-prep tutors, and enrichment tutors.

All of these choices can make you question whether your child needs a tutor lest he fall behind. Prior to making this decision,…

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